Music and Songwriting Lessons with Wendy Clark
Are you interested in growing as a singer/songwriter?
Build your musical style into a brand. Your preferences become your musical identity!
Guitar playing fundamentals including:
Fretting techniques
Strumming patterns Learn song structures
Stylistic elements and genre specialization - build a sound that fits a specific genre,
learn the elements of that sound to to turn into your personal brand.
Play chords, write chords, understand how to construct chords, and build chord
Songwriting including but not limited to:
Chord Progressions
Lyric hints and hacks
Rhythm and dynamics and tricks
Playing live, studio recording, live recording, and setlist construction
Play the songs you want to play!
Learn from one of Denver's hardest working, gigging, original musicians with over two
decades of experience playing, recording, and leading a band in the local music scene.
$40 per hour
50% off the first lesson
Lessons at your house or mine
Please contact me today!